Monday, July 6, 2009

Morning in the New House…

    Today I woke up for the second time in my new house. It's an interesting sensation to be able to wake up alone, make coffee without being asked or offered breakfast, and generally pursue my morning at my leisure without regards to anyone else. It's the first time I've been able to do that in almost exactly two years. Talk about a breath of fresh air.

    Now don't get me wrong this is not the best living situation I've ever had. I'd give that honor to a certain house on the campus of Warren-Wilson College. However, right now I have high ceilings in a spacious apartment whose walls are covered in art that I inherited but enjoy. I have no dearth of fresh fruit and vegetables available to me and time to cook good and tasty meals. Aside from the fact that I live in a place where many of the amenities I once enjoyed are the stuff of fantasies for almost everyone in my village this is the best of all worlds. My ally and site-mate lives downstairs from me, and my landlord live catty corner across the road. We, my site-mate and I, have an almost ideal living arrangement.

    So here I sit, with coffee in hand, listening to American music for the first time in months, free to stay in my PJs all day if I really feel the need. Life doesn't get much better than that. That said I plan on going to my commune, cleaning and setting up my house, cooking lunch and dinner, feeding the cat, and preparing for the fourth of July at the lake. Not to mention practicing language for at least an hour. I must admit that typing up my notes for my impending bicycle presentation, and working on my irrigation project need to feature prominently in there somewhere as well. It's not like I have any shortage of things to do, but it's nice to fantasize that I could take a day for myself if I wanted. After all, in a place like this it's those pleasant fantasies that keep us going sometimes…

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